The Joint Meetings Industry Council web site at themeetingsindustry.org has been re-purposed to create a point of access for a wide range of COVID-19 related materials, information and news in order to provide a simplified process for accessing related information and resources by industry members.
“This is simply about facilitating sharing” says JMIC President Kai Hattendorf. “Our intent is not to replicate content – we are all awash in information right now. Instead we are using the JMIC site as an aggregator and portal to the resources of a number of member associations in order to facilitate access to the excellent materials being developed by so many. At the same time, we will be adding perspectives based on the situational overviews coming forward and additional research results that are now accumulating”.
Visitors to the site can access the resource pages of JMIC members via dedicated links. These resources are in turn maintained and updated by the respective organizations. Meaning that content is always kept current. A recent addition has been the Best Practices Guide to COVID-19 developed jointly by UFI and AIPC which is now available for download for free.
The site is also the gateway to all editions of Business Events World and other materials generated by The Iceberg as repository of industry advocacy materials.
“Knowing what others are experiencing and how they are responding is the best single resource we can access right now” said Hattendorf. “As recovery begins to take place, this will also be a repository for a growing body of strategic materials and arguments to support the critical role our industry can play in driving economic and social restoration along with specific tactics to engage with local and national governments”.
Additional Resources:
1 | COVID-19 commentary video with JMIC President Kai Hattendorf
2 | JMIC Commentary | In the Thick of It: Preparing for Recovery
The Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC) is an organisation that represents the combined interests of some 17 international meetings industry associations. It has provided a forum for information exchange amongst industry groups for over 50 years and has recently become more engaged in the process of articulating and delivering industry messages to wider community and governmental audiences as well as developing better mechanisms for documenting and communicating the value of the industry in terms of economic, academic, professional and social advancement.
ACCLATAM | the Association of Convention Centres of the Caribbean and Latin America
AACVB | the Asian Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus
AIPC | the International Association of Convention Centres
ASAE | the American Society of Association Executives
Cocal | the Latin American Confederation of PCO and Related Companies
ECM | European Cities MarketingEFAPCO | the European Federation of Associations of Professional Congress Organizers
EVVC | European Association of Event Centres
IAPCO | the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers
ICCA | the International Congress and Convention Association
MPI | Meeting Professionals International
PCMA | the Professional Convention Management Association
SACEOS | the Singapore Association of Convention and Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers
SISO | the Society of Independent Show Organizers
SITE | Society for Incentive Travel Excellence
UFI | the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry
UIA | the Union of International Associations