Many people come together at events, which automatically produce large amounts of CO2. EVVC is aware of its responsibility towards future generations and wants to make an intensive contribution to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability in the event industry.
In 2019, the EVVC signed the Diversity Charter and has since officially become part of the nationwide initiative and thus also the largest network for diversity management in Germany.
The association aims to position itself as an exemplary player when it comes to sustainability, while also taking measures to help raise awareness of sustainable responsibility in the industry.
By focussing on CSR with its three dimensions of ecology, economy and social responsibility, EVVC provides its members with concrete recommendations for action to act in an ecologically sensible and sustainable manner while at the same time taking economic aspects into account.
Together with the German Convention Bureau e.V. (GCB), the EVVC has developed the "fairpflichtet" sustainability code for the event industry.
In order to anchor the topic of sustainability in the congress, conference and event industry, EVVC and GCB have also agreed a co-operation with Green Globe. Together with Green Globe, the EVVC offers its own logo.