
EVVC deals with the topic of sustainability at various levels. Sustainability means future viability. The topic of training is also closely linked to this. A high quality of training is a basic prerequisite for ensuring the skilled workers of tomorrow.

In 2016, the associations EVVC, AUMA, VPLT and FAMAB founded "100PRO - The Training Initiative of the Event Industry" in order to secure and improve vocational training for event management assistants and event technology specialists in companies in the event industry. 

100PRO stands for one hundred per cent training, which is to be offered to trainees. The code drawn up for this purpose and a guideline for the respective training programme are intended to serve as a framework of requirements for training companies. By providing information material, relevant industry dates and the opportunity to network, e.g. to offer training in a network, 100PRO supports the training professions in the event industry.

By signing the code, a training company promises to comply with key points to ensure sound training in the event industry.These include, among other things, a balanced ratio between trainees and trained specialists, the obligation to teach the training content according to the training framework plan and the existence of a company training plan.

On the website www.100pro.org, the initiative offers added value for all institutions involved in training.